Erica Zahn is passionate about raising awareness of rare diseases and disorders and helping people connect with the resources that may ease their journey. Erica has been a caregiver, and is a patient, herself, so she completely relates to the rare disease community--on a deeply personal level.
Tamara Isaacs Ciocci spent 21 years searching for a diagnosis for her type 1 Gaucher disease--despite the fact that her own father was a doctor. Although, that's not too surprising…
Continue Reading21 Years Later, a Diagnosis of Gaucher Disease Answers Her Questions
For more than half a century, Grandview, Michigan, resident Bruce Mannes has taken a drug Cuprimine (penicilamine) to manage his Wilson's disease, a genetic disease that prevents the liver from properly filtering the…
Continue ReadingWhat You Need To Know About Wilson’s Disease And Drug Prices
According to Cosmopolitan, Crista Procopio, a woman from Phoenix, Arizona, had a tough time getting through to doctors that the severe dizziness, pain, and digestive issues she was living with were…
Continue ReadingI’ll Take Off YOUR Head, If You Tell Me POTS is All in MY Head
Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID), a primary immune deficiency, was once a fatal disease but is now considered a "pediatric emergency," needing immediate diagnosis and treatment. If it's caught right…
Continue ReadingOne Drop of Baby Blood Could Save $$$ Millions $$$ Thanks to Boy in Bubble
Every so often, actually more often then we'd like to think, the "suits" at health insurance companies sit down in their oak-lined board rooms and start flipping coins to see…
Continue ReadingIDF Takes on the “Suits” of the Insurance Industry
Acromegaly, also called gigantism, is diagnosed in only 1 in 20,000 people in the United States. In 95% of cases, it's caused by a benign tumor on the pituitary gland called an adenoma. Acromegaly causes…
Continue ReadingHow Is Acromegaly Not an Equal Opportunity Experience?
Michael White, a 45-year-old writer from Vancouver, British Colombia, put everything he had on the line to take a leap of faith and write a book about his passion: music.…
Continue ReadingCervical Dystonia Wasn’t in the Plot, But It Sure Changed the Story
Lysosomal Storage Disorder, or LSD, is a catch-all term for more than 45 inherited metabolic disorders that result in the build-up of various toxins in the patient's cells. Currently, there is treatment…
Sjögren’s syndrome is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes the body's white blood cells (the cells that ordinarily fight infection) to attack the moisture producing glands. Patients may have symptoms that include…
Continue ReadingSjögren’s Foundation is Sick of Complaints and has the Guidelines to Prove it!
It's said that Nero fiddled while Rome burned--by comparison to a musician in China's activities during brain surgery, Nero had it easy. Imagine jamming out on your guitar while surgeons operate…
Continue ReadingFor the Love of Music: This Man Stayed Awake During BRAIN Surgery!
Natasha Lipman, a chronic illness blogger, was watching TV one morning, when something rankled her ire. The ITV show, This Morning, was doing a segment on whether or not children…
Continue ReadingThe Truth About EDS, Hypermobility, And Double-Jointedness
You spent years taking piano lessons, spent thousands of hours practicing, and were enjoying your professional career with an orchestra. Then IT happened. Every time you sit down on the piano bench, your…
Continue ReadingDystonia Robs Many Musicians of Their Greatest Gift
When Jon Miller, president and founder of the Network of Tyrosinemia Advocates (NOTA), learned of a family in Puerto Rico who had moved to Connecticut to get treatment for their…
Continue ReadingThe Kindness of a Stranger Helped Baby with Tyrosenemia
Leanna Mullen knows what it's like to look absolutely normal while in reality being very sick. She has Gaucher disease, a rare inherited condition where the body can't break down…
Continue ReadingNational Gaucher Foundation Provides Hope for Patients AND You
When 63-year-old Donald Castner of Napa Valley, California was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, or IPF, it came as a complete surprise. After all, he'd been active and in good health…
Continue ReadingDid You Know There’s Treatment for IPF? And It Actually Helps!
Last year, the FDA approved a record number of new drugs to treat rare diseases, according to the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD). In all, 21 "orphan" drugs were…
At the age of 10, Cassie Barnby began educating medical students about a rare disorder called tyrosinemia which affects only 1 in 120,000 people. Now 17, and a senior in high school,…
Continue ReadingCassie’s Tyrosinemia Story: This 17-Year-Old is FIERCE!
While some people thrive in cold weather, one Utah woman won't be out on the ski slopes anytime soon. Jaylyn Rogers is actually allergic to the cold and exposing her skin to…
Continue ReadingRare Allergy Shivers More Than This Woman’s Timbers
Gun range employee Chris Twardy didn't know how many of his customers cared about him--but he found out and as a result he has a new lease on life. Twardy,…
Continue ReadingShared Love of Guns Brought These Two Together, Resulting in a Saved a Life
When Cheryl Simoens was born, she became one of a small number of babies born each year with cystinosis, a chronic and genetic kidney disease. Cystinosis is characterized by an accumulation…
Continue ReadingWhen Your Sister Has Cystinosis, What Can You Do? Donate a Kidney!
Myasthenia gravis (which is Greek for "grave muscle weakness") is a neurological disease that causes a person's voluntary muscles to weaken. It mainly affects women under 40 years old and men…
Continue ReadingHere’s How to Get Your MG Answers in a Quick 5 Minutes!
If you have familial hypercholesterolemia, or FH, having a doctor who truly understands the disorder is essential. In a short YouTube video, Katherine Wilemon, president of the FH Foundation offers some…
Continue ReadingWhat Advice Does This Foundation’s President Have For You?
Possibly link found between narcolepsy and heart failure.
Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine have discovered a gene that could possibly reduce the risk of cardiac issues, like heart failure. What's weird... it's the same gene, when mutated, that was…
Continue ReadingThis New Finding Spits at the Heart of Heart Failure
Treatments for autoinflammatory diseases commonly require a patient to receive injections under the skin, which can be tricky if you are the parent of a small child (or large husband) who…
Continue ReadingHow To’s and More Tips On Making Your Child’s Injections Painless
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