Patient Worthy is excited to announce our partnership with WHATNEXT, an oncology focused website that helps people find reliable answers to questions about their disease, find support, and find life beyond cancer
Rose became acquainted with Patient Worthy after her husband was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) six years ago. During this period of partial remission, Rose researched investigational drugs to be prepared in the event of a relapse. Her husband died February 12, 2021 with a rare and unexplained occurrence of liver cancer possibly unrelated to AML.
As reported in Technology Network, a group of international scientists from the VIB-UGent Center presented a new antigen immune cell. These antigen-presenting cells belong to a group of dendritic cells…
Continue ReadingDendritic Cells Play an Important Role in Respiratory Infections
A recent article in US News and World Report gives an account of the first patient to have reprogrammed cells successfully implanted in his brain. The patient’s doctors reported that…
Continue ReadingDoctors Report First Ever Successful Transplant of Reprogrammed Cells into the Brain of a Parkinson’s Patient
A recent article in Parkinson’s News Today described new findings associated with mutations in the LRRK2 gene, which are associated with Parkinson’s disease (PD). Indications are that patients with…
Continue ReadingResearch Links Metabolic Syndrome in Parkinson’s Patients Who Have LRRK2 Mutations
Biological robots, commonly known as biobots, mimic the actions of other organisms (e.g. jumping or swimming). Biobots are composed of artificial materials and also organic material. As published in…
Continue ReadingCould Biobots be the Key to Understanding ALS and other Neuromuscular Diseases?
Immunotherapies are in the forefront for treating autoimmune diseases and cancer. Northwestern University and the University of California San Francisco conducted a study using genes that have the potential…
Continue ReadingUCSF Scientists Use Genes as an On/Off Switch to Fight Autoimmune Diseases and Cancer
Scientists say some myelin-damaging disorders have a distinctive pathology that groups them into a unique disease entity. The white knob on the left shows demyelination of a nerve fiber end.…
Continue ReadingNot All Multiple Sclerosis-like Diseases are Alike
While the number of cases is extremely small, a University of California-San Diego professor is urging health officials to expand alerts about the mysterious illness previously seen only in children.…
Continue ReadingYoung adults are also affected by Kawasaki-like disease linked to coronavirus, doctors say
Bridging the Voice of ALS Patients | ATSDR Bridging the Voice of ALS Patients Because learning more about ALS is an important step in the battle to defeat it, the…
Promising new drug target for autoimmune and allergic diseases revealed Credit: The Babraham Institute A study led by researchers at the Babraham Institute in collaboration with the Wellcome Sanger Institute…
Continue ReadingUncovering how ‘dark matter’ regions of the genome affect inflammatory diseases
According to CNN, the CDC recently sent out a health advisory to doctors across the United States alerting them of a new syndrome affecting children in eighteen states, Washington, D.C.,…
Continue ReadingCDC Warns of New Syndrome Affecting Children Associated With COVID-19
In the face of COVID-19, considerations and procedures regarding the use of radiation for blood cancer patients may need to be modified. When the risk of severe infections from COVID-19…
Continue ReadingEmergency Recommendations for Radiation Treatment During COVID-19 for Blood Cancers
Normally the immune system will go on the attack against a foreign invader such as a germ and then return to standby mode. But according to a report in…
New information, speculation, statistics, and predictions about COVID-19 are hitting the internet every day. Yet neurologists are attempting to answer their patients’ questions without having sufficient data that would…
Continue ReadingNew International Working Group Answers COVID-19 Questions from Myasthenia Gravis Patients
According to a recent report by CNN, the UK Health Service sent an alert to general practitioners warning of a rise in the last three weeks of children who…
Continue ReadingICYMI: Concern Growing in the UK Over Recent Cases of COVID-19 Emerging in Children
A recent article in Biospace reported an 83% survival rate for COVID-19 patients after two infusions of the experimental drug Ryoncil, developed by Mesoblast Ltd. The patients who were…
Continue ReadingCOVID-19 Patients Were Removed From Ventilators Within Ten Days After Two Infusions of Ryoncil
Lynparaza is back in the news again, but this time, according to Cure Today, the FDA approved the drug in combination with Avastin for advanced ovarian cancer to prevent progression…
Continue ReadingA Newly-Approved Drug Combination Slows the Progression of Advanced Ovarian Cancer
A total of one hundred vaccines are being developed by researchers, drug manufacturers, and governments worldwide in an effort to stem the tide of the COVID-19 virus. Reuters Newswire reports…
Continue ReadingOne Hundred Vaccines Against COVID-19 Are In Early Stages of Development, But Only a Few Will Survive
It is acknowledged in the medical community that clumps of misfolded tau proteins and amyloid-β are markers of Alzheimer’s disease. The evidence presented in recent article in Nature, shows that…
Continue ReadingResearchers Add a Third Risk Factor To Alzheimer’s Disease That Affects the Blood Brain Barrier
According to a recent article in BioMed Central, an international task force formed in 2018 created guidelines for the treatment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis (JIA). Treatment targets were identified…
Continue ReadingNew Task Force Recommends Shared Decision-Making for Parents and Patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Merck and AstraZeneca recently announced that Lynparza improved overall survival in the lives of males with advanced prostate cancer who had been treated previously. The drug out-performed two other antiandrogen…
Continue ReadingLynparza Study Shows Positive Results for Advanced Prostate Cancer
According to a recent announcement by AstraZeneca, the U.S. FDA granted its approval for Koselugo (selumetinib). This is the first drug to be approved for the treatment of children…
Continue ReadingICYMI: First Drug to be Approved for Neurofibromatosis Type 1 and Plexiform Neurofibromas (NF1-PN)
Cancer and autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis, might not seem to have much in common, but some researchers now are pinning hopes on the same immune…
Continue ReadingFlipping A Genetic Switch on Cells Lets Researchers Boost or Suppress Immune Responses
Certain features of metabolic syndrome may be more prevalent in people with Parkinson’s disease-associated mutations in the gene LRRK2, new research suggests. The research abstract “Metabolic syndrome and genetic Parkinson’s disease, the case…
Continue ReadingMetabolic Syndrome, Cause of Heart Disease and Diabetes, Linked To LRRK2 Mutations
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) affects one out of fifty-nine eight-year-olds in the U.S. A recent article in Medical News Today outlines a study conducted by neuroscientists from the Korea Brain…
Continue ReadingNew Research Identifies One of the Causes of Autism
Peptide receptor radionuclide therapy for advanced neuroendocrine tumors that affect pancreas, GI tract by Mike Bassett, Contributing Writer, MedPage Today April 30, 2020 MedpageToday email article The most significant recent…
Continue ReadingClinical Challenges: Nuclear Medicine and Neuroendocrine Tumors
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