This Little Boy Won’t Let PKAN Be the Star of His Party!

This Little Boy Won’t Let PKAN Be the Star of His Party!

8-year-old Carter Anderson has PKAN. He’s only had his official diagnosis for about a year, as his parents were first told he had cerebral palsy. Since Pantothenate Kinase-Associated Neurodegeneration (PKAN)…

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Man With SMA Gets Stuck When Airline Leaves His Wheelchair Behind

Man With SMA Gets Stuck When Airline Leaves His Wheelchair Behind

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) occurs when the immune system attacks motor neurons, resulting in the muscles surrounding the spinal cord atrophying (degenerating). SMA is an inherited disorder that disables the…

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“Little People, Big World” Star Zach Roloff and His Experience with Achondroplasia

“Little People, Big World” Star Zach Roloff and His Experience with Achondroplasia

Achondroplasia is one of those illnesses that you can’t hide. And everyone is going to have a different responses to it. Some ignore it, some will ask questions, and others…

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This Big Sister Helped Save Her Little Brother Battling ROHHAD

This Big Sister Helped Save Her Little Brother Battling ROHHAD

At 5 years old, Holton Jones was diagnosed with ROHHAD, or rapid-onset obesity with hypothalamic dysfunction, hypoventilation, and autonomic dysregulation. According to the Pensacola News Journal, his parents knew something…

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How This Pup Changed the Life of a Little Girl with Dravet Syndrome

How This Pup Changed the Life of a Little Girl with Dravet Syndrome

Elizabeth couldn’t speak. She wasn’t expected to ever utter a word. She couldn’t read. She struggled to make trips outside of the house. Certain smells and loud sounds bothered her.…

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Una comunità che si riunisce per aiutare un ragazzo locale con sma

Una comunità che si riunisce per aiutare un ragazzo locale con sma

Alexander Davis è di Tipton, Indiana. Ha vissuto con atrofia muscolare spinale (SMA). SMA lo impedisce di muoversi molto e non è in grado di camminare. Pertanto, ha bisogno di…

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Une communauté réunie pour aider un garçon local avec SMA

Une communauté réunie pour aider un garçon local avec SMA

Alexander Davis est originaire de Tipton, Indiana. Il a vécu avec une atrophie musculaire spinale (SMA). SMA l'empêche de bouger beaucoup et il est incapable de marcher. Par conséquent, il…

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Questa Madre spiega perché l’emiplegia è un affare di famiglia

Questa Madre spiega perché l’emiplegia è un affare di famiglia

L'emiplegia si verifica normalmente durante la gravidanza, o molto rapidamente dopo la nascita. I genitori sono fortunati ad avere alcuni momenti con il loro bambino prima che questa condizione cambia…

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Cette mère explique pourquoi l’hémiplégie est une affaire familiale

Cette mère explique pourquoi l’hémiplégie est une affaire familiale

L'hémiplégie se produit normalement pendant la grossesse, ou très rapidement après la naissance. Les parents ont de la chance d'avoir quelques instants avec leur enfant avant que cette condition ne…

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Happy Father’s Day to All Rare Dads

Happy Father’s Day to All Rare Dads

I’ll admit that I ran wild as a kid. I never got into trouble—you know what I mean, I was never arrested, no animals were harmed, and no injuries were…

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British Man Running Marathons for Sarcoidosis

British Man Running Marathons for Sarcoidosis

Peter Sadler has been raising funds to support the British Lung Foundation, which funds sarcoidosis research. The 42-year-old recently participated in the Bath-Half marathon. He's been on a mission to run in the…

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