Narcolepsy with Cataplexy. How Much do You Know?
We wish "cataplexy" looked a bit like this. It doesn't. Source: Stockvault

Narcolepsy with Cataplexy. How Much do You Know?

When you hear the word "narcolepsy," you may think of Rowan Atkinson's character in the movie Rat Race.  He has narcolepsy, a disease characterized by frequent bouts of day-time sleepiness. Throughout the…

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Editor’s Choice: “Unleashing” Cystic Fibrosis Patients

Happy Friday Patient Worthians! We are rounding out our Cystic Fibrosis campaign with CysticLife this week. For the past few weeks, Patient Worthy has been supporting CysticLife's collaboration with the Mayo Clinic for a…

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Yay, Patient Worthy Wins Thanks to You!
We're number one, and we want to be number one for you!

Yay, Patient Worthy Wins Thanks to You!

Can you believe it? Patient Worthy has made it to the big times by winning an award for being the best patient-centric consumer website. We're stoked! But here's what really counts:…

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