Kudos to Researchers Who’ve Isolated a Biomarker for Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder that slowly takes away a person's ability to perform even the simplest tasks. It is caused by the brain's inability to continue to…

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When Walking Events Boost Amazing Support
Source: pexels.com

When Walking Events Boost Amazing Support

So many workouts, so many excuses. Running? Cramps in your side. Swimming? Hate getting wet. Pilates? Expensive. Spin class? A headache. Walking? Um... Finally, an exercise truly devoid of downsides.…

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New Year New Beginings!

New BEGINNINGS are often disguised as painful endings. -Lao Tzu A New Year... time for new beginnings. If this year has been particularly hard for you, I hope this new…

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