International Infection Prevention Week, October 15-21 Targets Antibiotics Resistance 
Source: pixabay

International Infection Prevention Week, October 15-21 Targets Antibiotics Resistance 

Is it possible to check into the hospital and become sicker? Absolutely. Let's say you're suffering from a chronic condition, such as multiple sclerosis, cystic fibrosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis or…

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FDA Fast Tracks First Possible Treatment for Familial Adenomatous Polyposis

In late September, Food and Drug Administration designated "fast track" status to the research and development of CPP-1X/sul for adults diagnosed with Familial Adenomatous Polyposis (FAP). Overseeing the project are Cancer…

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Brazilian Researchers Announce Break-Through Discovery about Super-Rare Condition GHIID
marcoseduardo / Pixabay

Brazilian Researchers Announce Break-Through Discovery about Super-Rare Condition GHIID

You've probably never heard of Criciúma. It's a city in Brazil known for its lumber, tile, textiles, and coal. It's also, according to the website ResearchGate, the epicenter of an extremely…

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