Orange You Glad People are Finally Speaking Out About CRPS?
November 2nd was Color the World Orange Day to help bring awareness to CRPS.

Orange You Glad People are Finally Speaking Out About CRPS?

Monday, November 2, was Color the World Orange Day, an initiative to help bring awareness to Complex Regional Pain Syndrome, also referred to as Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome (RDS). Color the World…

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The Best Revenge? Boy With CF Wins Iron Man’s Heart
A boy with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) gets a visit with Tony Stark.

The Best Revenge? Boy With CF Wins Iron Man’s Heart

Understanding of cystic fibrosis (CF) has, thankfully, come a long way from its earliest descriptions of children being “bewitched” or “hexed” because their sweat tasted of salt. And the life-expectancy of kids…

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How and Why You Should Get Big Money for HoFH Medication
The PAF is increasing its efforts to fund co-pays for those suffering from HoFH.

How and Why You Should Get Big Money for HoFH Medication

If you or your loved one is living with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia (HoFH), you’re going to be thrilled with this news--and you deserve it, too! The Patient Advocate Foundation (PAF) just announced on November 2nd,…

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Why “Bad Cholesterol” is Good for People With HoFH

No one wants to have familial hypercholesterolemia—heterozygous (HeFH) OR homozygous (HoFH). Why? It's obvious. Having too much “bad cholesterol” in your system creates all sorts of serious health issues. But…

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