If This Man Can Write a Book About Dystonia, So Can You!
I’m a firm believer in the fact that everyone has a story. Sure, the sentiment is a little corny. But that doesn’t make it any less true. That’s why I…
I’m a firm believer in the fact that everyone has a story. Sure, the sentiment is a little corny. But that doesn’t make it any less true. That’s why I…
Welcome back to Editor's Choice Patient Worthians! This week, a PW Contributor told a love story about how her husband's bipolar disorder helps her manage her rare disease. We also have an…
El ha sido presentado en el National Geographic Channel. Le ha dado la mano al presidente Obama. Ha sido detenido por el servicio secreto. Incluso después de todo eso, Jason Dunn sigue…
I love my husband. He is my best friend. When we stood before God and our family to exchange vows, we made a commitment for better or for worse. Wow,…
Courage takes many forms. Most people think of it as a way of facing down enemies or standing on principle. However, a seven-year-old Irish girl named Katie shows her own…
When we are faced with a limiting health issue where performing "simple" everyday activities becomes a challenge, our self-confidence and self-worth can dwindle. This can happen with any health condition…
¿Cuánto cree usted que la media niña de cinco años de edad, pesa? De acuerdo con kidshealth.org, la respuesta es aproximadamente 45 libras. Ahora, ¿cuánto cree usted que una silla…
¿Quién sabía que la distonía y tenis van mano a mano ?! Por veinte años de edad, Josh, es un partido en el cielo. Él ha estado fascinado con tenis…
El hecho de que Halloween ha pasado no significa hemos terminado de hablar de la cirugía cerebral. Specifically, deep brain stimulation therapy. No, esto no es algo así como el…
Who is excited for another long weekend coming up this Monday?! To kick off your three-day weekend, take a look at these intriguing stories... Researchers have identified a superbug that…
Science has a Little Engine That Could story that you may want to check out. It makes for a pretty dense read, but once you wade through the data, the…
Happy New Year Everyone! How are those resolutions coming along? This week, we have a powerful post from one of our contributors who stopped taking her meds in favor of alternative…
Did you know that we have chemicals in the brain as powerful as drugs for pain, depression, anxiety, and other conditions? Among them are neurotransmitters called endorphins, serotonin, oxytocin, and…
Ir a la universidad es un gran cambio para cualquier persona. Lo más probable es que vive en una ciudad nueva, que habita en una nueva habitación, y rodeado de…
Imagine tener un trastorno que controla sus movimientos. Un trastorno que causa contracciones musculares dolorosas que no se puede detener. Imagínese estar en una silla de ruedas debido a esto…
Happy Almost-New-Year Patient Worthians! What is your new year resolution? As someone living with a chronic illness, mine is to get back to my cardiologist for that much-needed check-up I've…
After the diagnosis/Self harming thoughts After being diagnosed with dystonia and learning it is not a temporary problem (or if you have lived with it for years and are feeling…
Happy Christmas/Hanukkah/Holiday break Patient Worthians! This week, we are highlighting our amazing contributors for all of their heartfelt and honest stories. One post is about how to stay out of…
Recently I was asked to write a piece about what I am thankful for this Thanksgiving. My first reaction was, "Oh God, Thanksgiving is actually here again?" I don't have…
Happy Pre-Thanksgiving Week Friends! It is almost Thanksgiving which is one of our FAVORITE holidays here at Patient Worthy. Why? Because on this holiday, we are focused on gratitude, family and…
Todos sabemos lo que es tener un mal día, una mala semana, o incluso un mal año. Pero la cosa es que, con el tiempo, las cosas suelen trabajar fuera;…
Hay una famosa frase de Harry Potter y las reliquias de la muerte, cuando (* SPOILER ALERT *) Harry habla con el fantasma Dumbledore por última vez. Atrapado en un…
Current treatments for cervical dystonia provide inadequate relief to many. Dystonia twists people and leads to strange postures, involuntary movements and pain. It affects men, women and children. Check out more…
When that moment happened, and again I don’t know when it happened, but when that moment in my head just clicked and I stopped being, or stopped putting myself in…
Una enfermedad incurable que causa espasmos musculares dolorosos acaba de recibir $ 45,000 más cerca de una cura. La distonía es una condición incómoda que hace que los músculos se…